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12:26 p.m. - June 11, 2002
A reflection of the times is a meaningless, internet-based survey
I have nothing better to write about while waiting for lunch so instead of angst and worry and self-esteem, you have a questionnaire.

1. I make a good frend because I am... Loyal, until you double-cross me.

2. I have always appreciated my knack for...

Landing on my feet.

3. My home shows that I am very...

Unwelcoming; no welcome mat, no couch, no spare roll of toilet paper in the guest bathroom.

4. People like having me as a co-worker because I...

Do all the work. Does that count?

5. You are known for saying...

Go away, or, You're wasting oxygen.

6. You are considered rude because...

Of the way I answer the telephone, and because of my answering machine message.

7. One of my best personal qualities is...

OK, now I'm getting tired of this.

(switching to another)

1. What aspect of your reputation is least deserved?

Truly, I'm not evil. It's just physics. For every action there is a reaction, and my reaction is enough to teach you the lesson of once burned, twice shy.

2. What's the most daring sexual thing you've ever done with someone of the gender you don't prefer sexually?

Uh... I have no ground upon which to stand on this one.

3. Who is the person you most regret having had sex with?

Patricia, the stalker, not in a cute, flattering game of chase me but the dangerous, file police report Run Away Run Away variety.

4. What's the most cash you've ever held in your hands at one time?

I'm cheap. $100.00.

5. What is your least favorite word or saying?

One Time In Band Camp. It was old before the movie was over.

6. What is your least favorite form of play?


7. What is the best revenge you've ever taken on someone?

Having a person fired.

8. What is the worst revenge you've ever had to suffer?

Being fired.

9. Who is the most interesting famous or well-known person you've ever met?

Toss up between Barbara Kingsolver, Ngugi, or Anne Rice.

(This is lame, even for me. One last one, because I still have a few minutes to go.)

1. What do you like about your name?

It's Jason and I live on Argonaut.

2. What do you dislike about your name? People can't pronounce my last name, which only goes to show you why we need phonics. It's two syllables, that's all.

3. What is your sign?

Scorpio. November 7.


Had enough?

Time to eat.

Hasta. (that's another thing I say)


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