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8:02 p.m. - September 25, 2002
It's humble pie on a big plate
This morning's teleconference with Barbara The Editor and her boss went well and I found myself amused at the timorous quality in their voices when they inquired about my (other) book and plans for publication because someone had sent them a copy of this weekend's conference program and there I am sans photo with an embarrassing curriculum vita where Textbook A is listed as being published by the East Coast People and Book B published by the West Coast Competitor. Warmly reassured the editors that no, I have no plans to divvy up my work between the two rivals.

Haven't mentioned much about Book B because I sound like a freak when I do.

This is what I'm doing:

A) I am contracted to write three full-year textbooks;

B) I am contracted to write a teacher's guide per textbook. That means six books;


C) I wrote another textbook a while ago, long before developing the curriculum. Call it getting my feet wet and liking the water so much I launched the textbook project (mistake, that). That book's fate has yet to be determined, though I may option it under D (see following):

D) I am committed to two more projects, of my own discretion. The editors want a dictionary (yuck) because they sell well (they're called consumables in book-speak) but I want something more substantial along the lines of another textbook series. Of course, they want another series as well.

Did I mention that as of yesterday there are 4,425 pre-orders?

Barbara The Editor is buying me a new computer and a color laser printer. As she put it, her job is to make sure I stick to deadlines and am happy as I write well, which for some reason made me think of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs mining for diamonds. I asked for a flat-screen 18 inch monitor; she offered even bigger and admonished me on failing to issue author-ego demands and make her job appear worthwhile to the higher ups. I'm being spoiled and I don't mind.

I'm flying out to oversee production of the DVD component in October.

So far, everything is on schedule.

Of course, they think I'm still tinkering. I need to hustle.


Going to Florida tomorrow morning. Don't feel like taking the laptop.

So no entries until Sunday.

That said, wish me luck? Send good thoughts my way? I'm nervous but confident, humble yet assured.


Time for me to whup some teacher ass!


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