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3:43 p.m. - December 07, 2002
100 things
Procrastination is seductive. 100 things you don't need to know about me presented live, in full technicolor. Or digital. Or something. Via Shannon.

1. Born November 7, 9:08 p.m. Am a Scorpio.

2. I was not a fussy infant.

3. I have a small family: Father, mother, sister Elizabeth-but-called-Lisa, brother Jeff. As of 12/7/02, there are seven people in North America related to me; this is not counting my mother's family.

4. I am the oldest in my family. I am 3 years older than my sister, 5 years older than my brother. I am 12 years older than my nearest cousin.

5. My father is half Danish, half Hungarian; my mother is half English, half Mexican. This means I am a mutt.

6. As a child, favorite thing to do: Read.

7. As an adult, favorite thing to do: Read.

8. Preferably, I read literary fiction; also read a lot of history, cultural analysis, whatever catches my eye.

9. I have never read a comic book.

10. I like plants but cannot keep them alive.

11. I have a dimple on my chin; some people call it a cleft but my chin is not cleaved; it has a shallow dimple.

12. I am not fond of my dimple.

13. My eyes are generally hazel that tend to match what I'm wearing, ranging from dark blue to green. At rest, they are simple hazel.

14. My hair is curly that becomes straight the longer it grows. Wore a ponytail for about a year. It did not look good.

15. I don't know any jokes and become easily irritated by jokesters.

16. My weaknesses: I can be judgmental and aloof.

17. My strengths: Am loyal and honest.

18. Something feasible I'd like to change: I'm too serious. I'd like to lighten up.

19. Something unfeasible I'd like to change: My height. I'd like to be six foot.

20. I have never dated a blonde.

21. Favorite sports are hockey and soccer.

22. Least favorite sport is football.

23. Was born in San Francisco, CA

24. I have the International Baccalaureate diploma.

25. In high school had to wear a jockstrap and shower daily. The coach and coach's assistant checked straps and watched us shower. I've always been creeped out by that.

26. Favorite movies: Regarding Henry, Spitfire Grill, anything violent with bombs and explosions.

27. Least favorite movies: Anything billed as comedy. Anything featuring Adam Sandler. Westerns. There are exceptions: American Pie, thus far.

28. One wish: To be easy-going.

29. I've never: Used drugs.

30. I have: Set a car on fire. Vandalized. Had sex with a married woman.

31. Usually find myself in long-term relationships. I suspect I value security over love. Am investigating this.

32. Favorite music: Classical, especially. Like everything else, even rap.

33. Favorite sound: Water. Ripples. Waves. Rain. My morning shower.

34. Deep dark secret: While visiting a friend's house, I plugged up the toilet.

35. Deep dark fear: I will never be the person I want to be.

36. I like cala lilies, white ones. I plant them wherever I live.

37. I do not know how to use a lighter.

38. Similarly, I didn't learn how to snap my fingers until I was 14.

39. What I would make required reading of everybody: Hugo's Les Miserables, Dante's Inferno, Milton's Paradise Lost.

40. If I could change something on a global scale, I'd cull the population by 80 percent.

41. Have never had a pet of my own. Shared cats and dogs with siblings. Macadamia (dog) and Corbin (cat) my favorites.

42. Am generally a pessimist yet cling to optimism. In other words, I'm hard on myself but hopeful for others.

43. Am a perfectionist and become angry at self when errors are made.

44. Triple-majored in college: English, Political Science, Education. Triple-minored in History, French, and Linguistics.

45. Favorite instrument: Violin. Cello is a close second. Piano is third.

46. Have never understood the allure of smoking.

47. A wish: To go on safari by myself with a guide and a significant other, off the beaten path.

48. Listening to right now: Michael Nyman, various (my own compilation).

49. Was a fan of Napster; now it's Bearshare. Dislike doiong what everybody else does, like Morpheus and Kazaa.

50. I subscribe to and read the following: Newsweek, Book, National Review, Time.

51. I'm annoyed by unintelligent people but envy them.

52. I used to be in shape and rather obsessive about it; as of today (12/7/02) I am not.

53. I don't kiss easily or readily.

54. Love Legos. Would play with them today if I wasn't ashamed of being childish enough as it is.

55. I admire those who intelligently defy convention, such as Ghandi and MLK. I do not admire those who defy for the sake of defiance and cannot explain their purpose or desired achievement.

56. I am not creative but if I could be, I would draw.

57. I love hammocks though rarely lay in one.

58. Am left-handed but occasionally dominant-right; am ambidextrous with everything.

59. Speaking of dominant: With women I like to be agressive, with men submissive.

60. Won spelling bees as a child but always came in second at the state level, three years straight.

61. I like children, hearing them laugh and play. I cover up my soft spot.

62. When it rains I feel comforted.

63. Prefer mountains to beaches, wintry beaches to summer crowds.

64. Have traveled across Europe and the United States. Dream destination: Southeast Asia.

65. I do not have a best friend.

66. My name fits my personality.

67. I feel comfortable with those who see past the facade and like me anyways.

68. Generally, I'm a needy person underneath.

69. I like to cuddle.

70. I like the risque.

71. I consider illegal immigration to be one of the most alarming issues facing the country.

72. My dream is to live on a ranch in Montana, in a high-ceiling'd log structure with large windows and lots of books.

73. I prefer sunrise to sunsets.

74. I prefer solitude, by default. Otherwise, I'd love people.

75. Ice water with lemon, or a Sprite.

76. Monopoly and Scrabble are my favorite games.

77. Watching the same movie repeatedly doesn't bother me.

78. I prefer pathos to ethos.

79. Secret ambition: School board, school superintendant. Not for power, but to effect change.

80. Apathy is a waste of oxygen.

81. I am happy when I forget I desire the company of others.

82. My family has few traditions.

83. I want children and to play ball, to allow myself to be silly with them. To laugh with them.

84. Wonder: Why casual sex? How can the physical feel good without the emotional, the spiritual, the mental?

85. Past career ideas: Medicine, law, architecture.

86. Having taught at the high school, community college, and university levels, I do not understand the hardship of high school. It is the most rewarding and challenging of them all.

87. A deceased person I would most like to meet: Leonardo da Vinci.

88. A living person I would most like to meet: Unknown.

89. Prefer natural wood to plastic, wool to cotton, flannel to silk.

90. Jeans and sweatshirts.

91. Greatest failure: Relationships.

92. Greatest achievement: Have yet to attain.

93. Worst trait: I push people away by whatever means necessary.

94. Best trait: I laugh often.

95. I don't trust anything I haven't done myself.

96. What I do when I'm by myself: I sing in American Sign Language.

97. Most fun: Learning how to be a handyman.

98. Least fun: Feeling cut off from people.

99. Potential fun: Opening up.

100. Least potential: Unknown.

Damn this was long. Too long.


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